Book of Sega Genesis APP. Idea!


I apologize in advance if these drawings I did of what the app. would look like aren’t good and neat enough looking. I tried, but I’m really disgraphic. I will upload better drawings if I have the time.  I do know that they will at least get the point across. It would be an app. for the Iphone (since thats what i have).  Basically its so that you can easily retrieve walkthroughs and reviews of games conveniently. You also have the option to email me a question or visit my website. Even though its called “the book of sega genesis” I figure it can be for all platforms of games.

For the search game reviews and search walkthroughs buttons you click on them and go to another screen where you type in the name of the game you are looking for and then from there find a list of search results of different reviews and walkthroughs. Basically its the yelp of video games, but with walkthroughs too.

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