Toejam and Earl

Toejam and Earl is a game that will always have a special place in my heart.
Reasons to love it:
-Its random and goofy
-Anyone can play it because you virtually just walk around every level
– It gets challenging enough to be fun

The plot of the game is you play as Toejam and Earl, Two alien rappers who crash land on earth. You walk around the different levels trying to find the elevator to the next level, unless it says “ship piece here” at the beginning of the level, in which case you must find said ship piece before you get in the elevator. You can collect christmas presents left by santa all over the levels to aid you in your avoidance of all the mad scientists, hula ladies, evil gophers, boogeymen, and other enemies in the game. Some presents even let you kill them. You can collect food on the ground and in presents to heal you, or if you dont know any better, hurt you. Example: If you eat moldy cheese you get hurt, if you eat a pizza, you get healed. Its a very fun game, and while i have gotten really far i have never beaten it. 10/10

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1 Response to Toejam and Earl

  1. Jarett says:

    I used to be really into retro games but I’ve never heard of this one. From your review i would like to play it! It looks funny, interesting, and challenging. I also like that you included the gameplay video it gives a great visual for people wanting to know what it’s like playing it.

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